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GRS Names claims expert Sarah Reynolds as Head of Global Cyber Risks

GRS Names claims expert Sarah Reynolds as Head of Global Cyber Risks

JUNE 04, 2019

LONDONGlobal Risk Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of a diverse range of claims adjusting and environmental risk management solutions, is pleased to announce that Sarah Reynolds has joined the team to develop and promote GRS’ innovative claims solutions for cyber incidents and pre-risk services.

Kip Radigan, Chief Executive Officer of GRS, said, “Sarah is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters and Chartered Institute of Insurers, starting her career in loss adjusting 30 years ago as a casualty adjuster progressing to Casualty Director, specializing in cyber incident response and crisis management 6 years ago. Sarah has worked closely with major Insurers and global corporates to devise one of the first international 24/7 cyber incident response platforms synonymous with cyber insurance, incident management and risk management. Sarah has been appointed on several high-profile cyber incidents and has extensive experience in bringing together the full range of experts associated with cyber risk and event management to provide bespoke end to end solutions for Insurers and global corporates.”

Sarah says, “I am honored to join GRS, their professionalism and desire to deliver the best service to their clients is inspirational and I am looking forward to working with my new colleagues to continue to respond to the diverse exposures presented by cyber and other innovation insurance products.”

GRS Non-Executive Chair Jeffrey Bowman said, “Sarah will be based in our new London office and work alongside Mike Reeves, who leads the GRS Complex Claims Solutions business unit.

Sarah can be reached at sreynolds@globalrisksolutions.com and +44 (0)20 3857 5180 or +44 7507 503 569

About Global Risk Solutions:
Global Risk Solutions enables corporate and insurance industry clients to quickly and effectively respond to property and casualty claims, natural catastrophes and environmental events by delivering people, process and technology to manage risk and contain costs. Headquartered in Miami, with global reach and offices in London and throughout the United States, we offer a diverse range of claims adjusting and environmental risk management services. For more information, please visit www.globalrisksolutions.com.

Kip Radigan
President and CEO
Global Risk Solutions, Inc.