GRS Green & Environmental Risk Management Solutions

Global Risk Solutions is working on environmental risk and addressing green business solutions.

An incident that causes environmental impairment can be tragic on multiple levels: a community is damaged, neighbors’ lives are disrupted, and businesses’ reputations — and often, their future — are on the line. The ERMS team at GRS has decades of experience worldwide in environmental claims.

ERMS focuses on helping clients mitigate, respond to, recover, and contain the costs arising from human -caused and natural environmental catastrophe events and litigation.

Global Risk Solutions is delivering people, process, and technology because your business is too important to be sidelined when environmental incidents happen. Learn more about Environmental Risk Management Solutions (ERMS)

GRS Green Incentives for 2020
 Standing up for sustainability
 Generating less waste
 Educating our GRS team on eco-friendly habits
 Solving environmental impacts and creating solutions
 Environmental education and green business practices

8 Easy ways you can GO GREEN! 
1. Create green challenges
2. Turn off electronics when not in use
3. Choose ecofriendly products
4. Embrace renewable energy
5. Make sure to Recycle
6. Go paperless
7. Have plants
8. Community garden

NEWS UPDATE: GRS Expands Environmental Risk Management Solutions with Addition of Marine
Claims Executives. Accomplished adjuster duo enhances GRS capabilities:

Watch our ERMS Video here to learn more:

Caring | Consistency | Compassion | Control